The first thing you need to do is rule out any medical issues that may be preventing you from losing weight, like an under-active thyroid. If you have an under-active thyroid, it is extremely difficult to lose weight, as your thyroid controls your metabolism. So go to your doctor and insist on having your thyroid hormones checked – it is essential you get your T3 checked, as this is your active thyroid hormone. Most doctors will not do this as – it is not funded by medicare – and you have to pay out of pocket to get it checked, but the good thing is it is not expensive! I highly recommend you get this done, if you suspect you have an under-active thyroid. Some of the symptoms you may be experiencing from of an under-active thyroid are weight gain, feeling cold, constipation, your hair falling out, and depression.
If you have ruled out any medical issue and you’re still finding it hard to lose weight, ie; exercising and not over eating, then these next three tips will help you.
Tip 1 – Eat a low carb, low Glycemic index (GI) diet that has ample protein and good quality fats.
To get a different result you need to do something different! So you need to change the food you are currently eating. If you are still counting calories – I recommend you focus on reducing your carbs instead, as it’s much easier! A low carbohydrate diet can be very satisfying and delicious, as you can still eat reasonable amounts of good quality fats and proteins with each meal. When you do eat carbs you need to ensure they are low glycemic index carbohydrates.
So what you need to do is number one ensure you eat protein with every meal – so your blood sugar remains stable. This will keep you feeling fuller longer and if you combine that with Low GI Carbs, you won’t experience the low blood sugar crashes – which generally lead to eating foods that will give you a quick pick me up and are high in carbs. You only need a serve of protein the size of the palm of your hand, it’s better to be organic, as these have less pesticides and chemicals. These nasty chemicals increases the stress load on your body. You can still eat healthy fats such as avocados, olive oil coconut oil, butter, and these fats will not increase your blood sugar levels. They will keep you full and satisfied for longer. For further information about how eat to lose weight-read my latest book From Broken To Beautiful – How To Be Calm, Happy and Slim.
Tip 2 – Ensure you get at least 7 hours sleep every night!
The next thing you need to do is really concentrate on improving your sleep. If you’re getting less than seven hours sleep per night this contributes to weight gain. As when you’re not sleeping properly, your body perceives this as a stress and has to produce more of the adrenal hormone cortisol. When you produce increased amounts of cortisol, this increases your blood sugars, your increased blood sugars then require increased insulin to be produced, consistently producing high amounts of insulin is not good – as insulin is known as a fat storage hormone and you will be more likely to be storing fat. For further information about how to ensure you get 7 to 8 hours sleep every night – read my latest book From Broken To Beautiful – How To Be Calm, Happy and Slim.
Tip 3 – Do a 2 minute visualisation every day of a future slim you
And the last thing you need to do every day, is a fun 2 minute visualisation. Did you know that during visualisation brain scans show many similar parts of the brain are activated when a person visualises something or does the same thing? To be successful in creating your new future slim-self, you must see yourself in great detail and experience all the feelings you would have, if you were slim. For further information about how to visualise – read my latest book From Broken To Beautiful – How To Be Calm, Happy and Slim.